DATA SCIENCE & Machine learning - Specialization

Best Course for graduating candidates to start their career | curriculum designed by Industry Experts | 3 Months of Program | Hybrid Classes | World-Class Curriculum

Program's Key Features

Outcome of Program

The learner will be able to land up in a job role related to Data Analyst and Data Science.


The learner will become capable of handling any project relevant to Data Science in a proper way.


  • Getting started with Python
  • What is Python?
  • Installing Anaconda
  • Variables, and Data Structure
  • List, tuples and dictionary
  • Control Structure
  • Functions in python
  • Lambda functions
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Modules
  • Using Packages
  • Os package
  • time and datetime
  • File Handling in Python
  • Miscellaneous Functions in python 

Project based on PythonProgramming

  • Introduction to Statistics
  • Population and Sample  
  • Descriptive Statistics v/s Inferential Statistics
  • Types of variable
  • Categorical and Continuous Data
  • Ratio and Interval
  • Nominal and Ordinal Data

Descriptive Statistics

  • Measure of Central Tendency – Mean, Mode and Median
  • Percentile and Quartile
  • Measure of Spread – IQR, Variance and Standard Deviation
  • Coefficient of Variation
  • Measure of Shape – Kurtosis and Skewness
  • Correlation Analysis

Inferential Statistics

  • Empirical Rule & Chebyshev’s Theorem
  • Z Test
  •  One Sample T test, independent t test
  • ANOVA – f test
  • Chi Square test

Working with Numpy

  • NumPy Overview
  • Properties, Purpose, and Types of ndarray
  • Class and Attributes of ndarray Object
  • Basic Operations: Concept and Examples
  • Accessing Array
  • Elements: Indexing, Slicing, Iteration, Indexing with Boolean Arrays
  • Shape Manipulation & Broadcasting
  • Linear Algebra using numpy
  • Stacking and resizing the array
  • random numbers using numpy

Working with Pandas

  • Data Structures
  • Series, DataFrame & Panel
  • DataFrame basic properties
  • Importing excel sheets, csv files, executing sql queries
  • Importing and exporting json files
  • Data Selection and Filtering
  • Selection of columns and rows
  • Filtering Dataframes
  • Filtering – AND operaton and OR operation

Working with Pandas

  • Data Cleaning
  • Handling Duplicates
  • Handling unusual values
  • handling missing values
  • Finding unique values
  • Descriptive Analysis with pandas
  • Creating new features
  • Creating new categorical features from continuous variable
  • combining multiple dataframes
  • groupby operations
  • groupby statistical Analysis
  • Apply method
  • String Manipulation 

Basic Visualization with matplotlib

  • Matplotlib Features
  • Line Properties
  • Plot with (x, y)
  • Controlling Line Patterns and Colors
  • Set Axis, Labels, and Legend Properties
  • Alpha and Annotation
  • Multiple PlotsSubplots
  • Advance visualization using seaborn
  • Types of Plots and Seaborn
  • Boxplots
  • Distribution Plots
  • Countplots
  • Heatmaps
  • Voilin plots
  • Swarmplots and pointplots

Project on Data Visualization and Analytics

  • Data Science Standard Project
  • Data Science Project Life cycle
  • Project Topic
  • Data Capturing
  • Data Cleaning 
  • Data Analytics
  • Working on tools
  • Data Visualization tools
  • Project Report Completion
  • The conceptual idea of linear regression
  • Predictive Equation
  • Cost function formation
  • Gradient Descent Algorithm
  • OLS approach for Linear Regression
  • Multivariate Regression Model
  • Correlation Analysis – Analyzing the dependence of variables
  • Apply Data Transformations
  • Overfitting 
  • L1 & L2 Regularization
  • Identify Multicollinearity in Data Treatment on Data
  • Identify Heteroscedasticity Modelling of Data
  • Variable Significance Identification
  • Model Significance Test
  • R2, MAPE, RMSE
  • Project: Predictive Analysis using Linear Regression 
  • Classification Problem Analysis
  • Variable and Model Significance
  • Sigmoid Function
  • Cost Function Formation
  • Mathematical Modelling 
  • Model Parameter Significance Evaluation
  • implementing logistic regression using sklearn
  • Performance analysis for classification problem
  • Confusion Matrix Analysis
  • Accuracy, recall, precision and F1 Score
  • Specificity and Sensitivity
  • Drawing the ROC Curve
  • AUC for ROC 
  • Classification Report Analysis
  • Estimating the Classification Model
  • Project: Predictive Analysis using Logistic Regression

K Nearest Neighbour

  • Understanding the KNN
  • Distance metrics
  • KNN for Regression & classification
  • implementing KNN using Python
  • Case Study on KNN
  • handling overfitting and underfitting with KNN

Decision Tree

  • Forming Decision Tree
  • Components of Decision Tree
  • Mathematics of Decision Tree
  • Entropy Approach
  • Gini Entropy Approach
  • Variance – Decision Tree for Regression
  • Decision Tree Evaluation
  • Overfitting of Decision Tree
  • Handling overfitting using hyperparameters
  • Hyperparameters tuning using gridsearch
  • Visualizing Decision Tree using graphviz




Support Vector Machines

  • Concept and Working Principle
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Optimization Function Formation
  • Slack Variable
  • The Kernel Method and Nonlinear Hyperplanes
  • Use Cases
  • Programming SVM using Python
  • Project – Character recognition using SVM

Ensemble Learning

  • Concept of Ensemble Learning 
  • Bagging and Boosting
  • Bagging – Random Forest
  • Random Forest for Classification
  • Random Forest for Regression
  • Boosting – Gradient Boosting Trees
  • Boosting – Adaboost
  • Boosting – XGBoost
  • Stacking


  • Application of clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • K Means Clustering
  • Use Cases for K Means Clustering
  • Programming for K Means using Python
  • Customer segmentation using KMeans
  • Cluster Size Optimization vs Definition Optimization


Dimensionality Reduction – PCA

  • Dimensionality Reduction, Data Compression
  • Curse of dimensionality
  • Multicollinearity
  • Factor Analysis
  • Concept and Mathematical modelling
  • Use Cases
  • Programming using Python
  • A broad overview of terms and technology related to AI
  • AI v/s Machine Learning v/s Deep Learning v/s Data Science
  • Who should be involved in an AI project?
  • Examining team culture, capabilities and readiness
  • AI v/s Non AI
  • How to decide when to use capabilities of AI for business?
  • Feasibility and Profitability Analysis
  • Identifying right data components
  • Collecting data from outside the room
  • Problem Framing
  • Deciding the correct validation metric, optimizer
  • Data Science and Software Engineering
  • Collecting and munging Data
  • Experimenting with data, features and Algorithms
  • Testing and Validating models
  • Version Control
  • How to handle Overfitting and Underfitting?
  • Size of Data and its impact in AI/ML Project lifecycle
  • AI and Data Science end to end project lifecycle
  • Data Science Deployment strategy
  • Deployment best practices
  • Deployment with Flask
  • Best Practices for API design for ML services
  • Deploying model with nginx and uWSGI – demo
  • Machine Learning and DevOps
  • Defining scalability
  • Tools and techniques for scalable machine learning
  • Architecture design patterns for scalable systems
  • Machine learning models as services
  • Containerizing models
  • Best Practices of scaling machine learning models
  • Finish off experiments
  • Review of what has been taught
  • Get individuals to create their own action list
  • Final Q&A.


  • Any graduates candidate can join the program
  • Candidate should have basic understanding of Mathematics
  • Candidate should have basic understanding of Programming Language

How can your host this program for your students?

Dear Faculty member as you may aware that this program/course can be hosted at your campus, to host is program here is the process-

  1. Book an online meeting with our manager using given calendar below 
  2. Discuss about the program also discuss about your queries 
  3. Confirm the schedule for the program

It is 3 Months Hybrid Class

Any faculty member can schedule the program for their students. call/WhatsApp to -8341957746

Any graduate can join the program

Standard fee for this program is INR 15,000/- per candidate, but fee is negotiable for bulk registration.

Yes, each attendee will get the certificate from ElectroCloud Labs, ECL will also to help attendee to get the recognized certification form Microsoft, Google.

After this program attendee will be ready to grab the career opportunities.

Hybrid Classes- Online and offline combine classes, 60 will be online Classes and 40% will be Classroom .